Your amazing and sustainable vacation in Portugal

Sustainable holiday destination Quinta das Cantigas_Biosphere sustainable certified

Your unforgettable vacation can also be a sustainable vacation in Portugal!

A sustainable vacation….

What could this mean for you?

That you are contributing to a better world even when you go on vacation!

Sustainability is often associated only with attention to climate change, but many see it in a broader perspective.

It’s how you deal with your social responsibility, as an individual, as a company, as a government.

To ensure that “the world sustains better” rather than pollute, wage war, etc.

At Quinta das Cantigas, we have been for many years consciously implementingresponsible and sustainable tourism” for many years. There is now a lot of sustainability in our behaviour when running our holiday park in Portugal.

We are even certified by “Biosphere Sustainable” for this. So here not just fine words, but lots of deeds.

Perhaps this is an additional reason….. to choose a vacation at Quinta das Cantigas!

What does a certified sustainable vacation business do ?

On this page, we explain what a certified sustainable vacation company in Portugal does for its guests, its employees and the local environment. It’s all based on ….

The sustainable development goals established by the United Nations

sustainable vacation destination_the 17 goals for a better world

Many people from around the world co-created these development goals. The United Nations carries it forward, and it serves as a global compass for challenges such as poverty, education and the climate crisis, for example.

Tourism also has a clear role in this, and Biosphere Sustainable certifies companies and destinations on the realization of their efforts to provide their guests with sustainable experiences.

We explain the certification below or scroll further down for our specific examples.

Biosphere Sustainable – Live Sustainable Experiences

Biosphere Sustainable is an organization created to explain and educate in a simple way the United Nations guidelines in “what to do, how to do it and how to measure progress, to promote sustainable lifestyles in line with the 17 development goals.

Attached to the 17 goals are 169 targets. These make the goals more concrete and each target has various activities to be fulfilled. A total of some 365 activities.

For certification, you must meet at least 35 targets and at least 1 target for each sustainable development goal.

Quinta das Cantigas is certified for their sustainable business practices to encourage more responsible tourism in Portugal

Quinta da Cantigas_sustainability certification_public profile
Click and view our public profile on the Biosphere Sustainable site

Quinta das Cantigas is certified in 2022 with 49 targets, consisting of 113 activities. In 10 goals we score more than 1 target and in 3 goals we even got a “remarkable effort” score.

Certified well above the minimum We are very proud of this and it encourages us to go further, together with our guests!

Concrete examples of what a sustainable vacation business in Portugal does

To make your holiday in Portugal great, unforgettable and also sustainable, we secure many actions that are often not immediately very visible, they are mostly “under the hood”. Actually, we should put an “info sign” everywhere as an explanation but that is just going too far for us. Feast your eyes and feel free to engage in conversation with us. And participate yourself, as a first step or do and share your own experiences!

Quinta das Cantigas – environmental and climate actions

Quinta das Cantigas Sustainable destination items Environment climate change

Quinta das Cantigas – Actions to develop the local economy and have modern business operations

Quinta das Cantigas Sustainable destination items Governance Economy

Quinta das Cantigas – actions for social responsibility and cultural development

Quinta das Cantigas Sustainable destination items Society culture

Sustainable next steps for an even more sustainable vacation in Portugal at Quinta das Cantigas

We are currently creating a plan for the coming years. We see many opportunities and the most important thing is to get the people around us and our guests excited about taking steps towards a more sustainable life themselves!

To be continued!

CO2 offsetting for our operations – the basics

In our operations, we ensure 100% CO2 offsetting. Probably even more if we include the capacity of all the trees on our Quinta! The large amount of solar panels, batteries for storage and external sourcing of 100% green energy offset the consumption of electricity, gas and firewood for our operations. Check out our reporting for energy.

First ‘CO2 offsetting your trip’ action – 152 trees planted

Despite encouraging more sustainable travel, we and our guests still often rely on airplanes or cars. To offset the CO2 emissions of your trip, you can use our “CO2 action”. You make a donation during your reservation or stay and we will double your amount. We then spend this locally to plant new trees or make a contribution to sustainable local projects. You will be informed personally about the use of your contribution.

152 new trees at an organic orchard

Our first carbon offset action has now taken place. These are the donations for the years 2019-2022. We planted 152 trees at a local new orchard being started organically. In doing so, we work towards CO2 offsetting, more sustainable agriculture and healthier food! Click here for more information